Friday, December 14, 2007


Here's the beach where I was for the past week. I got swimming three times, but not for long; wasn't really swimming weather exactly, although sunny the whole time. My hostel was about 15 minutes walking from here, and right near Las Ramblas which is the coolest section of the city. Lots of narrow little alleyways too small for cars with loads of little stores and bars and restaurants. I spent most of my time either on the beach or wandering around Las Ramblas.
I was there on my own, because most of the other people from my group in Berlin went direct home after the program ended, so it was a little different, but good, and I met a couple of guys in the hostel to do stuff with; mostly a Hollander.
Here's a picture of Barcelona from the Parc Montjiuc, which was cool. A big park on a mountain that went up over the city. Went up there a couple of times.
And this is a sweet building on the side of Montjiuc, home to the museum of art which I didn't visit, but I thought this picture was good.
I did check out the maritime museum though and the aquarium and the Bodies Exhibit, which I think has been traveling around the world for a year or so. That was real cool, but a little weird. Lots of preserved bodies all over the place just hanging around for you to look at. And all the different layers and parts. It was something else.
Ok, Sunday I'm heading home, so I'm going to head out and get my remaining Berlin time in.
Liebe Grüße überall. Tschüss!

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